Google Maps has street data for Germany and most other European countries

Cool, that was about time:, and a bunch of other European countries got street data too.

This is where I live.

Weird: The new data doesn’t show up in applications using the Google Maps API. In my FOAF geolocation thingy, most of Europe is still a big blank territory. (Update, it works now, thanks to Alex for the hint!)

Funny: Google Maps can’t find Europe, Africa, or Asia. It does find America (but thinks it’s only North America). It does find Australia. It finds most countries, and most cities for the countries that have street data.

Good stuff.

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4 Responses to Google Maps has street data for Germany and most other European countries

  1. Pingback: Grindblog » Blog Archive » Wir sind kartiert

  2. Riad says:

    I’ve been waiting for this.

    Just happened: I added an event to my Google Calendar and added the location in the where field. The calendar picked it up and added a link to Google Maps. On the map I learned the name of the building and its website address. On the website I learned its office hours.

    That’s almost semantic web already ;-P

  3. Pingback: Alexandre Passant

  4. Alex says:


    You need to update your code if you wish to get new features of Google Maps (see API Documentation). Thus, you’ll get European street names in your FOAF geolocation tool, which will be great to add geolocation to one’s profile !

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